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Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Our Unique Relationships

BJC has a unique partnership with Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church (BHPC). We believe that this arrangement, first begun in 1967, is the longest-lived such relationship between a Jewish congregation and a church in existence in the United States. Our relationship has allowed us to truly practice the ideal of people dwelling together in harmony.

Bethesda Jewish Congregation is a liberal Jewish congregation. We are not affiliated with any particular movement within Judaism, but gain insight from each of them. Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church, USA. We are two distinct congregations that share sacred space and friendship. There is no blending of faiths and each congregation follows its own religious beliefs.

In 2003 and again in 2017 on the occasion of our 50th anniversary, the two congregations signed a covenant, which reads in part, “We wish to acknowledge and celebrate commonalities and differences. We see this relationship as a living example of understanding and respect among people of different heritage.” The covenant is on display in a ketubah outside our worship space. Read the full text of this covenant below. 

In addition to our traditional joint Thanksgiving Service, which—starting in 2006—has also included the Idara e Jaferia Islamic Center, the congregations annually enjoy other joint services such as one to commemorate the victims of gun violence. Other programs have included an annual Unity Walk with others of all faiths in the aftermath of the September 11th tragedy, efforts to respond to gun violence, and most recently in pursuit of racial justice following the murder of George Floyd.

The synagogue and church together conduct educational sessions on topics of current interest, support social justice projects in the community, embrace pulpit exchanges, and more. This synagogue-church partnership has served both congregations well, allowing them to gain insight and understanding into the faiths of others, and, at the same time, serving to deepen their respective faiths.

Covenant Between Bethesda Jewish Congregation & Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church

We, the members of Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church and the Bethesda Jewish Congregation, form together this covenant to honor the Intimate and Infinite God of Creation, the One God we both worship. Taking to heart the biblical charge to be a light to the nations, we seek to offer a prophetic vision of interfaith partnership in a pluralistic world. Continuing a relationship begun in 1967, as spiritual siblings sharing sacred space, we commit ourselves to:

Acknowledge and celebrate our commonalities and differences; Foster appreciation for the richness of our respective traditions; Encourage curiosity and dialogues between our two communities of faith; Bear witness to our faith in cooperative activity in the world; Create with each other what we cannot create separately.

Recognizing the word of our great teachers, we commit ourselves to fulfill the Great Commandment: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your might. With deepest gratitude, we pledge to continue to celebrate the light bestowed upon us. May this union of spirit and space spark a flame of respect and understanding throughout the world.

NOVEMBER 23, 2003

Inter-Congregational Partnership Committee

The Inter-Congregational Partnership Committee, or ICPC, was formed in 2002 and now is comprised of members of Bethesda Jewish Congregation / BJC , Maqaame Ibrahim Islamic Center / MIIC ( and Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church / BHPC (, the three faith communities that share sacred space at 6601 Bradley Blvd. in Bethesda. 

The ICPC works to nurture connections between the three faith communities throughout the year by organizing shared service projects, social / topical events, and an annual interfaith service. 

ICPC EVENTS, Recent and Recurring:

  • The annual Thanksgiving service led jointly by the clergy of BJC and BHPC and by clergy or lay leaders of MIIC, and/or other area Muslim communities (these have included Idara-e-Jaferia Islamic Center of Burtonsville and the Islamic Community Center of Potomac) during which the offering is donated to a charitable organization. A separate interfaith service is offered for all children. Following the service is a catered lunch, to which all are invited.

  • Pulpit exchange- BHPC’s clergy gives a sermon on the bimah at a Friday night service at BJC, and the Rabbi speaks from BHPC’s chancel during a Sunday church service.

  • Speaker and discussion programs on subjects of national, international, and interreligious interest, such as the annual presentations by members of New Story Leadership; book discussion groups; author presentations from all three communities; and a workshop on conflict resolution. 

  • Joint service projects such as house building and renovation projects with Habitat for Humanity of Metro Maryland, and grounds cleaning and planting at the National Center for Children and Families in Bethesda.

  • Awareness-raising programs in support of the people of Darfur and the Uyghur community in China, and gun violence prevention.

  • The annual Interfaith Picnic, held in the spring, featuring kosher/halal food selections, and family and children’s activities.

  • Potluck dinners involving members of our Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities at the homes of individual members.

The ICPC invites you to join in conceiving, planning, and executing events that encourage connections between BJC, BHPC, and MIIC to advance our shared interests and learn more about each other and our faith traditions. To learn more or find out about our next meeting, please contact the chairs of the ICPC, Evelyn Ganzglass ( from BJC and Judy Ozone ( from Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church. We meet by zoom on the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm.




Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785