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Get Involved With BJC Programming

BJC members at Bethesda Big Train.


BJC’s Program Committee plans our congregational activities throughout the year. Often, our events are tied to holidays, such as our Hanukkah "Great Latke Cook Off" or Purim Celebration.

The Program Committee runs movie nights, lecture series, and plans fun outings to museums and tours throughout the area. 

BJC loves music and is always looking for opportunities to sponsor concerts and music events.

Volunteer for Oneg

Part of membership is sponsoring an oneg on Friday night, only one Friday night per year.


What's required:
Bring a plate of cookies, fruit, whatever you think appropriate. Arrive to services a little early to help set up. BJC provides plates and napkins. 

Please choose a date to help us out. Email Amy Kertesz with any questions. 


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785