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Special High Holy Day Family Programming

We know the holidays can be tough when you have small children. Bethesda Jewish Congregation is offering young families special programming for just $36 per family.

Rosh Hashanah begins with a 12:45 PM lunch and Tashlich service right here at BJC.  Please make sure to RSVP for the lunch. The family friendly service with Rabbi Abbott at 2:30 PM. 

Family services on Yom Kippur begin at 1:30 PM, with the reading of the Book of Jonah at 4:45 PM. 

Please contact the office at 301 469 8636 with any questions. We can't wait to welcome you! 

High Holy Day Tickets

High Holy Day Services for 2024 will be in-person and also available on livestream through our YouTube channel. Masks are optional. We ask that anyone not feeling well please remain home and worship with us online.

We are excited to welcome our BJC community for High Holy Days! Tickets will be mailed out to all members in good standing by September 16. If you have not done so already, please log into your ShulCloud account to make a synagogue support payment. You can also bring a check into the BJC office directly.

If you have not made a payment yet for 2024/2025 synagogue support, you will not receive High Holy Day tickets. Please check today!

Tickets for youth and adult children under the age of 26 are included in membership. Tickets are available to purchase for adult children over the age of 26.

We welcome non-members to join us!


High Holy Days - Join Us for a Meaningful Experience

High Holy Days at BJC are special and, while observing religious traditions and adhering to customs, are in many ways unique. We begin the Days of Awe with Selichot (Jewish penitential poems and prayers, especially those said in the period leading up to the High Holy Days), generally with entertainment, such as a concert or showing a special movie, followed by a service, and dessert.

Our Rosh Hashanah evening services culminate with a community oneg.

Our members write thought-provoking poems and readings that are shared with the congregation through the Rosh Hashanah morning service. The BJC choir, which rehearses throughout the summer, leads the congregation in song and inspiration.  After our morning service, we meet at a nearby stream for Tashlich, where we cast our sins on the water and have a picnic lunch. 

A tradition at BJC is to begin Kol Nidre with the sanctuary lit by candlelight. Several years ago, just as we were about to start our service, our community was enveloped in a blackout. We lit candles and used our cell phones… and thus a tradition was born. 

Our Yom Kippur Morning service is followed by a family service for all ages, then a Yom Kippur discussion with the Rabbi, followed by musical mediations or the chant circle, reading of the Book of Jonah, and then Yizkor and Neilah Services. 

Our members write thought-provoking poems and readings that are shared with the congregation through the service. The BJC choir, which rehearses throughout the summer, leads the congregation in song and inspiration.   

While prayer books are provided for all other services, at the High Holy Days we ask members and guests to bring their own copies of the Machzor (High Holy Days prayer book), "The Gates of Repentance." We have copies here for anyone that does not own the Machzor.

Members in good standing receive tickets for the High Holy Days. Nonmembers are most welcome. 


2024 Yizkor Book information can be found here. 

The BJC Recipe Book


Lovingly contributed by our BJC members! Browse through the book, and download your favorites. Let us know how your dish turned out! 


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785