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		                            <span class="slider_description">Support programs that bring the community to BJC, and BJC to the community such as this Ladina Music Concert to benefit Cuban Jewry programs,  a concert by members of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Great Names in the Neighborhood speakers series and more.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Support BJC youth education programs that helps kids learn through interactive engagement with each other, teachers, parents, and staff.  Hands-on activities and learning complement mid-week individual Hebrew tutoring for all students online.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">The study of Torah, Jewish culture, values and history brings BJC members together with Rabbi Sunny and knowledgeable members who lead programs including Torah Today, Adult Hebrew, Book Club, and more.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">BJC is proud of the commitment to interfaith relationships that continues to be the heart of our community.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">In words and through deeds, social action and social justice permeate BJC's priorities throughout the year and as part of our education programs, and our expression of Jewish values.   Regular projects supported include Manna, National Center for Children and Families, and Stepping Stones Shelter.</span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Providing a meaningful and inspirational place for members and friends to join together in prayer, in song, and in discussion, where all feel welcome is at the heart of BJC.</span>


“Who gives charity with a smile is truly a right-minded human.” Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav

Bethesda Jewish Congregation (BJC) is a 501(c)(3), which means your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your generosity enables BJC to support programming beyond our budgeted expenses, as well to support those members who are a vital part of our community, but face limitations in their ability to pay tuition or synagogue support. As we are experiencing some of the most difficult economic times in recent memory, we need our BJC community now more than ever. Your generosity allows us to affirm our highest spiritual and cultural values. 

BJC always welcomes donations to our general fund without limitation. We also have specific opportunities and funds to direct your contributions.

See below for descriptions of our various funds. All donations can be made here

General Fund - Where Your Giving Is Needed Most

'Hineini' General Fund:  Support to the general fund allows the Board to direct your contribution to the area of greatest need - staff and clergy salaries, rent and operating costs, program and worship expenses, and so much more.  All the basics that we have to budget annually to ensure that BJC continues to operate and be an exceptional and inspirational community.   Tribute and memorial gifts welcome, for which donors can direct a notice to the person of their choice.  Donate here.

Designated Funds

Rabbi Sunny 'Elhanan' Schnitzer Legacy Fund Board-designated fund in honor of Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer on the occasion of our celebration of his retirement ,and in honor of his lasting legacy and two-decade tenure as our Spiritual Leader.  Funds will be utilized at the direction of the Board to support and advance aspects of BJC’s operations and programs that are, indeed, a legacy of Rabbi Sunny and an expression of the values he instilled in the congregation. This may include, but is not limited to, Jewish music, education programs, social action programs, and other initiatives and programs that further BJC’s growth and vitality, including efforts to increase BJC’s visibility for BJC in the greater community

Maran Gluckstein Education FundCreated in honor of our esteemed retired school director, this fund supports education speaker programs and related educational events and activities for the family.


Rabbi’s Discretionary FundThis special fund  is supported by member donations.  It is used by the Rabbi to make donations to organizations in the name of BJC and to support those in need. Please contact Rabbi Abbott if you are interested in supporting this fund. 

Ways to Give

We are pleased to accept checks sent directly to the office or members can donate through the Member Portal on this website.  Nonmembers are welcome to make a donation by credit card, or by sending a donation to our office.   Donate online here and select the fund in the dropdown menul

Consult your financial advisor or attorney for tax and legal information. Contributions to BJC, a 501(c)3, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

  • We encourage members to round up when making their synagogue support or tuition payments.
  • We are delighted to acknowledge a special occasion, a mitzvah, or a remembrance at any time of the year with a donation.
  • Give Appreciated Stock.  Consider transferring stocks to BJC for a tax-deductible contribution that will support our Jewish community and BJC programs. Check with the office for details.
  • Direct an IRA Withdrawal to BJC.  If you are age 72 (70 ½ if you reach 70 ½ before January 1, 2020)with an IRA with a mandatory minimum withdrawal, consider supporting BJC’s programs with a charitable gift from your IRA.  There may be added benefits to giving though an IRA.
  • Write BJC into your Will/Estate Plan.  After you’ve taken care of your family and friends, naming BJC and other charitable organizations in your will is a true mitzvah —a lasting gift expressing your commitment to Jewish life, Jewish values, and to the future of BJC. 

Here’s a suggestion for simple language to include in your will:

I give, devise, and bequeath $________(amount) or _____% (percentage) [Optional: and residue of my estate] to the Bethesda Jewish Congregation (BJC), 6601 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda, Maryland 20817, recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Funds from my bequest should be designated for operational and/or program needs as recommended by the Rabbi, Board President, and Treasurer, upon approval of the Board of Trustees.  

You can always contact the BJC office to learn more:  301-469-8636 or

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785