Celebration Donations
Celebration Donations
Tell someone Happy Birthday - Mazel Tov - Happy Anniversary - Congratulations - Thank You - We Love You - in a meaningful way.
Celebrating a Simcha - ask people to donate in your name to BJC in lieu of gifts.
Celebration funds and named gift opportunities are available by talking with us.
Want to celebrate someone special - or a special accomplishment - or maybe just thank someone in a meaningful way, a donation to Bethesda Jewish Congregation is a lovely and meaningful tribute.
Donations will help us continue to host a community of caring members who celebrate Jewish life and values, and work together to make the world a better place through social justice projects.
When you donate, this card (see below) will be personalized and sent to the person you are honoring through your generosity.
Donations can be made online here or by sending a donation to BJC at our mailing address on the bottom of this page. Please allow 10 days for acknowledgement.
If you need assistance or would like to talk about establishing a celebration fund or named gift please contact the administrator at admin@bethesdajewish.org.
Thu, October 3 2024
1 Tishrei 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ha'Azinu
Shabbat, Oct 5 |
Candle Lighting
Thursday, Oct 3, 6:29pm |
Join Us For Services
Service Schedule:
Friday Night Services
7:30 PM
Saturday Morning Services
10:30 AM
Most services are livestreamed.
For the Zoom password please contact the BJC office.