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By signing my name below, my child(ren) have permission to participate in the Youth Education Program of Bethesda Jewish Congregation (BJC). In consideration of my child(ren)'s acceptance as a religious school student, I hereby authorize the Religious School Coordinator, or person designated by the Religious School Coordinator, to obtain emergency medical care for my child(ren) in the event such care is indicated. I give my permission for my child(ren) to receive emergency medical care by any nurse, doctor, paramedic or member of a medical staff of a hospital licensed by the State of Maryland or other trained individuals. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment. I certify that my child(ren) is(are) in good physical health. They have my permission to participate in all activities that are part of the regular religious school program. Field trips may be arranged by BJC, and transportation may include bus or vehicle driven by a classmate's parent or guardian.
From time to time your child’s photo may be taken in our classrooms or special events. We use these photos in the synagogue newsletter (BJC Now), on our synagogue display boards, the BJC website as well as Social Media groups and other publicity materials. NO IDENTIFYING INFORMATION WILL EVER BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR CHILD'S PICTURE
You may have noticed that at the top of the form we begin with family information. This is intentional. The work of raising and educating Jewish children cannot be done in the school alone, but is a project of the school, the family and the community. You are not just registering your child(ren) for school today, but in fact your entire family. When you come in the building and spend time learning and volunteering with us, you make a powerful statement to your children that Jewish learning is a lifelong process and that we are all on the same team in creating these experiences for them. Don’t underestimate the subtle power of this statement! Our program includes many times when the whole family is invited to participate - particularly our monthly Family Education Program and Holiday celebrations. In addition to those opportunities to participate we are in need of regular volunteers to make our school work. Would you consider supporting our school in an ongoing role or a limited engagement?
In Jewish tradition, it is the job not only of parents but of the community to provide education for children. The BJC community is committed to this obligation, and synagogue support paid by members subsidizes our children’s education. We are best able to plan appropriately when we know early on how many students to expect in each grade. Our preference is to have all registrations before September 1, but we will work with any family who wishes to join us later. Please contact the Office for assistance or questions with regard to payment options, or (if you are joining mid-year), regarding pro-rated tuition fees.